Firm Fundamentals

Firm Values
Five C’s directors and employees are committed to continuously improve services and products offered to our clients. Our innovative solutions, project management, consulting and designs including the following fundamental values:

  • Client focus.
  • Respect.
  • Pride and Integrity.
  • Teamwork.
  • High quality product


This is our commitment and we stand behind our products.

  • Client focus: Five C’s design and consulting exists to improve and develop long-term partnerships with clients and assist them with all their consulting needs.
  • Respect: We treat our colleagues and clients with dignity, respect and discreetness.
  • Pride and Integrity: We encourage our employees to learn all aspects of project. This approach assists the team in improving the flow and reduces coordination errors as there is a deeper understanding of the entire project.  This development thinking platform that creates a work environment that recognizes individual initiative, encourages accountability, and fosters self improvement and a can-do spirit. 
  • Teamwork: We are an international team. We strive for high firm goals by sharing our knowledge and combining our talents with team member for the “common good” of our clients and for the continued success and growth of our business.
  • High quality product: We are quality and service oriented; we follow standards and building code requirements in all aspects of our duties. We also develop solutions driven answers and reach equipment and system in an ongoing approach to improve our products and services. Our duties are formatted and regimented to reduce errors and close any areas in which issues or problem arise.